Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blogpost #3: Weird but true

Have you ever imagined doing weird stuffs to express your feelings to a certain person? Have you did a weird gestures or have you given weird objects to tell him/her that you love him/her? If you did such thing, you're really weird... and a little bit creepy. But don't feel sad, other countries have traditions weirder than you thought. Those traditions are weirder than the thing you did.

I have read an article entitled "5 strange courting rituals from around the world" by Natalie Wolchover on She said that during valentines day, many people are giving chocolates, flowers and asking the question "will you be my valentine?". But other countries have different traditions to express your love for him/her. Here is an example given by her:

"In rural Austria, it's not chocolate bon-bons that are the way to a lover's heart; it's apples soaked in armpit sweat. Young women do a ritual dance with apple slices lodged in their armpits. After the dance, each gives her slice to the man of her choice, and he then eats it."

Imagine eating a slice of apple soaking in salty armpit sweat. It's gross right? But it's their tradition. In my opinion I think I'm blessed because I was born here in the Philippines and not in Austria. No offense Austrians but you're culture is really weird. Moving on, here's another example came from the same blog:

" Among the Kreung tribe in a remote region of Cambodia, parents build a "love hut" for their daughter when she reaches her mid-teens. Different boys spend the night in the hut with the girl sometimes more than one in the same night until she finds the one she wants to marry. Divorce is unheard of among the Kreung, so couples need to know what they're getting into."

Believe it or not, parents build the love hut if the girl reaches 9-13 years old. Imagine a girl having intercourse with the opposite sex in a very young age. But the kreung tribe girls decides if they want to have intercourse or not. Many people are against it but it's the kreung tribe's tradition, you can't just change it by your own. It's their decision if they want to prolong it or not.

As I've said on my previous blog, It's a tradition alright but not all traditions are meant to be kept.

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