Thursday, July 25, 2013

Blogpost #6: The Online Culture.

It is much more different dating online. It is much easier to have a chat with a girl. Everything is easy via internet. I have read an article entitled The end of courtship by Alex Williams on the site He stated that:

"Instead of dinner-and-a-movie, which seems as obsolete as a rotary phone, they rendezvous over phone texts, Facebook posts, instant messages and other “non-dates” that are leaving a generation confused about how to land a boyfriend or girlfriend."

They just court over cellphones and social networking sites what do you expect? A great relationship? A long lasting one? This culture destroys the culture of every country. Technology has disadvantages when it comes to courtship.

I have read another article by Mary entitled How Technology is influencing traditional Courtship Roles on She stated that:

"One of the unfortunate disadvantages of how technology is influencing traditional courtship roles is that women and men been more aggressive in their dating and courtship activities, which has accelerated the dating process with ill effects. There have been countless cases of online romances being develop through Facebook, smart phones and now traditional texting at such a fast pace, such couples do not have enough time to properly get to know one another. This often leads to relationship break ups at a rate as quickly as they have developed. People today want things to be instant, and that includes dating, unfortunately the pitfalls of these new technologies is that the value of being patient is being lost, along with traditional courtship roles."

Sometimes I'm against a culture if it is not acceptable by the society but if that culture is destroying another culture, that's another thing.

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