Thursday, July 4, 2013

Blogpost #1: Courtship

Honestly speaking, I've courted many girls back when I was a highschool student but only few of my attempts succeeded. I did a lot of different "styles" of courtship. I did the famous serenading or also known as "harana" and also the giving of love letters to confess your love for her. And when I started using social networking sites and the cellular phone, I also did the most commonly used "Text" or "Chat" courting. But I'm just curious about when did it all started. How do men court back in the days. But let's discuss what is courtship first.

                According to David Steele in his article entitled Wooing vs. Courtship on the website
"Courtship takes the long view, respecting your potential life partner as someone to get to know and determine mutual fit over time. In our culture being patient and delaying gratification is undervalued."

It is definitely true. If you want to court a girl, make sure that you are willing to wait for her answer. It could take weeks, months, years but if you really love the girl, you will wait until she becomes your girlfriend.

Let's discuss now the history behind it. I have read an article entitled The History of Courtship on by Christina Hamlett. She stated that:
"females had a lot less choice about the males with whom they'd exchange vows. Brides were often abducted by neighboring tribes, betrothed to foreign nobles as part of a package deal to increase their kingdom's power and net worth, or presented by their parents at lavish debutante balls to which a select number of eligible--and socially appropriate--suitors had been invited. An unwed daughter in earlier centuries was considered a liability to her family as opposed to an asset in a husband's household where she could either add to the coffers with a generous dowry or do a full share of the work. The emergence of chivalry during the Middle Ages brought forth the courtly practice of wooing one's intended with love poems, music and acts of bravery to prove one's desirability as a mate. Not until World War I did women come to realize they had more options available. Courtship gifts aside, it was the new-found freedom to be able to choose someone for love instead of necessity that made the ritual priceless."

Back in the days, all it matters is money. The ladies have no choice at all when it comes to love. Their parents are trying to sell them to various rich gentlemen but in the Middle Ages, all it matters is love. They court through peoms, music, and acts of bravery to prove that they love the girl.

In our generation, men court with an ease. Men court women via technologies. Men court via computer, cellphones and other communicating devices. They've modernized courtship. The girl can't easily determined if the boy is sincere on her and that's why most of the relationships nowadays last only for a few months.


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