Thursday, July 25, 2013

Blogpost #5: Weird but true part 2.

I can't get over on those articles I have read this week especially about the weird courtship cultures. They're are all unbelievable and amazing. I have learn a lot from those articles and I will going to share what I have learned from this week.

The article I have read is entitled Top 10 strange courtship rituals written by Simmi Mankani. This post was posted on

"Welcome to the perfect modern world. You can only yearn for a simple natural way to live your life the way the Dai people of China & Southeast Asia live. Followers of Buddhism, the Dai people are famous for their courting and marriage rituals. Flirting, dating, premarital s
ex, you name it and they've got it! They also have an interesting traditional courtship ritual. Various people gather at one place. You’ll find all the young women sitting around a bonfire, and turning their spinning wheels. The men, clad in red blankets, will be playing a musical instrument. Everyone can approach a woman of their choice and, if it’s a yes from her, she’ll invite him to sit on a stool with her. He will drape his blanket around her, and they can just have all sorts of mushy fun together. Love just blossoms!"

It's so strange. Sitting in others stool is so weird. This tradition is really sucks. Imagine you court a Dai girl and then you sit besides her knowing you are sitting in chair with her stool. Then minutes later, you had been smelling her stool. That's a major Turn-off to the girl you love man. Well we can't help it. It's their tradition not ours. Moving on, On the same article here's another strange courtship tradition. It stated that:

"A very bizarre courtship ritual, practiced in Taiwan up until the 1930s, was discovered through 150-year-old letters of botanical experts at Kew. A tribe called the Atayals was very enthusiastic about head-hunting, literally! The men often used severed heads from their battles to woo the women they coveted. Once accepted, these prized possessions were not promptly removed from sight. They were, instead, kept in open air on a narrow platform, for everyone to see."

I'm glad that this tradition was over way back in the 30's. This is a one bizarre tradition. Why do they need to use cut-off heads to court a girl? It's so gross. And keeping the head in open air on a narrow platform, for every one to see is really disrespectful to the dead and at the same time the other people living there.

Here's my ending quote. Every people in this world has different ways and traditions to court a girl. Some have sweet and amazing ways while others are weird and not pleasing to the eyes.

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